Dear Friend,

I have a new mission in life.

I’ve never been more sure of anything in my 25 years of online selling, marketing, business strategy and product development.

That mission:

To help you harness the power of AI chatbots and make them an essential part of your business strategy, irrespective of your industry or company size.

Having a customized chatbot designed by an experienced marketing professional is crucial.

This stuff is not just a shiny new object. This is a permanent change in how businesses will converse with the public.

We’re not just jumping on this new tech “because we can”, but because it’s powerful, and you should be taking advantage of it before your competitors do.

Chatbots are great for academics, politicians, and activists too.

The typical do-it-yourself chatbot services cannot provide the specific, strategic approach you need if you want to truly benefit from the AI revolution.

I actually tried a couple of free bot-making services and … Yikes. (More on this below).

The chatbot we build for you will be tailored to echo your brand’s voice and your values, while dealing with customers and leads like a seasoned salesperson.

Once it’s built, there are no monthly fees like DIY chatbot platforms charge.

Chat bots are for more than just customer service and sales. I could make you a chat bot that consists of a “round table” of multiple fictional characters, each with a different specialty, that engage in a group chat with the user about a specific topic. I can build you a bot that provides rules and tips for 10 different kinds of solitaire card games. Almost everything you’ve ever talked with ChatGPT about can be turned into a very specific, well-trained AI tool.

In the upcoming era, customers and leads will routinely interact with chat bots for almost all of their needs, using them to acquire crucial information about your business.

Having your own custom chat bot means you control this narrative, instead of leaving your company information and reputation in the hands of search engines (which are losing market share).

I use “prompt engineering” to control the chat bot’s conversation style and content, minimizing errors and maximizing accuracy.

For legal protection when your chatbot goes public, I also provide boilerplate protection language and tips on how to refine it for your particular business.

Our commitment to you also includes up to 4 hours of human reinforcement, where we test and fine-tune your bot to guarantee it does a great job.

You’ve all read the click-bait journalism about how new AI models hallucinate and are prone to emotional outbursts? That’s actually easily fixed, and I’ll make sure your chat bot does not malfunction.

We’ve identified ten key strategies to maximize chatbot effectiveness, and the top benefits of in-house and sales chat bots. This invaluable information supports the strategy session included in your package, enhancing your overall business plan.

While there are services that help you build your own chat bot, they require you to do the actual work that I’m offering to do for you. And they can’t provide my experience in business building, product creation, strategy, marketing, and advertising.
The ones that you can “create in 10 minutes” are simply not useful (you certainly wouldn’t want to release them to the public).

A chat bot isn’t a magic money making machine that exists in a vacuum. It’s a powerful new part of your overall strategy.

When I work for a company, I …

  • focus on your products and strategy,
  • consider the entire process that turns leads into sales,
  • and … do a lot of hours of actual work.

The technology is a means to an end, and my focus is on harnessing it to its full potential for your business’s growth.

Here’s how we bring this vision to life:

  • We’ll begin with a new or existing WordPress domain.
  • I’ll install a Pro AI chatbox plugin.
  • I use your company information to create a fine-tuning file. This ensures your staff or customers can communicate effectively with your unique business.
  • (If you use a DIY service, you’re going to have to figure out the fine-tuning, document uploading and other customization requirements by yourself, or pay someone to do it)
  • The site’s overall design will be basic initially. You can customize it later or hire a professional.
  • If you’re not based on WordPress, don’t worry! We’re expanding our services to other platforms.
  • Once your custom chatbot is ready and tested, I provide a basic strategy consultation to help you maximize its benefits.

You’ll also get access to my exclusive “Chatbox Strategy Insider” AI Chatbot, developed for my AI service customers.

The entire business world is turning a corner right now. Don’t let your competitors beat you to the punch.

Reach out today and let’s revolutionize your customer experience with a custom chatbot.

You can start by interacting with some of our free chat bots …

Free Bot #1: USP Generator

Free Bot #2: Chatbot Benefits For Your Business (click the icon in the bottom right corner).

Looking forward to working with you,

Scott Covert

PS. If you’re feeling eager, the cost is just $1,000US. That includes defining your chatbot’s purpose, converting your documents into a format used to train the chatbot, 4 hours of actual human testing, and the strategy consultation.